
Project: Look Back into the Future

The project titled “Look Back into the Future – Training on Contemporary Human Rights Issues through a Historical Lens” was developed in cooperation with the German foundation “Responsibility, Remembrance and Future.” The project was started in May 2012 and will last until February 2013. The objective is organise a series of training courses on human rights education in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Jõhvi. The target group is comprised of history, social science and civics teachers, the representatives of agencies and non-governmental organisation, who are involved with human rights.

The International Criminal Court Seminar in Tallinn (10 – 11 September 2012)

On 10 and 11 September 2012, a high-level International Criminal Court seminar titled “10 Years of the International Criminal Court: a Focus on Victims” took place. The topics discussed at the seminar included the treatment of victims, providing them assistance through the Trust Fund for Victims, and the payment of reparations. Üritusele oodatakse antud valdkonna kõneisikuid.

The seminar was organised by the Institute of Human Rights in cooperation with Tiina Intelmann, President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, and the Finnish and Estonian Foreign Ministries.
The Visit of the ICC Chief Prosecutor to Estonia

Russia After the Presidential Election?

The Institute of Human Rights and the EP ALDE faction organised a discussion on the eve of the Russian presidential election. The event, which took place in the Riigikogu Conference Centre on 25 February 2012, was titled “Russia After the Presidential Election – Partner or Pariah?” Many Russia-related issues were discussed at the conference. The main speaker was Mikhail Kasyanov, leader of the People’s Democratic Union and former Russian prime minister (2000-2004).

Russia After the Presidential Election – Partner or Pariah?

The Institute of Human Rights and the EP ALDE faction organised a discussion on the eve of the Russian presidential election. The event, which took place in the Riigikogu Conference Centre on 25 February 2012, was titled “Russia After the Presidential Election – Partner or Pariah?” Many Russia-related issues were discussed at the conference. The main speaker was Mikhail Kasyanov, leader of the People’s Democratic Union and former Russian prime minister (2000-2004).

The panel discussion was moderated by Mart Nutt, the head of the Institute of Human Rights. The participants included European Parliament member Kristiina Ojuland; Evgeni Gontmakher, a leader of the Institute of Contemporary Development; journalist and political observer Anna Vvedenskaya; and  Vladimir Jushkin, Director of the Baltic-Russian Research Centre.

The Russian presidential election took place on 4 March 2012, and the conference sought to find answers to many important questions about the future of Russia after the elections.